i think with a bit more time to get used to the gameplay and story i could have been hooked like so many others. but the majority like it so it must be good. Overall: i really did not have time to get into this game, so i feel it would be unfair to class it as good or bad. Suggestions: maybe you could make the fighting parts more real by having you control the players doging abilities Sound: sounds are just like your playing the movie, with good voice overs and some good one liners from a droid who refers humans as meatbag's Graphics: the visuals are great and the combat moves (with swords/light savers) look real with great swords man ship and Moves. but so far ive learn alot about star wars in general about the light side and want to learn more about the dark side when i play next time around. Gameplay: there are a lot of different skills and controls for this game which is great, you can heal your entier party, and learn new attacks.You can requier special computer chips for your robot partners and much more, i still dont know what some of the skills do cause only one side of the force can achieve certen powers. Overall: this game is great cause you can choose what side of the force you gonna be on, im Good this time round, but next im going BAD! its great it will be a tottally new game when i go evil. It would also be good to have some actions that fall on the middle line, and not to the extremes. Suggestions: Fix balance issues and make less cardboard allies. There isn't much I can say about the soundtrack, it wasn't particularly notable but it supported the action without becoming repetitive. The voice acting was done believably for the main characters which is something that has hurt games in the recent past. There was hours and hours of it in there, everything spoke to you. Sound: The best part of the sound was all of the recorded dialogue. This was a good thing since they were taking what already exists and embelishing on it. The characters weren't special but they were solid star wars creations, nothing wierd or unexpected. The enviroments also managed to vary from planet to planet so that you felt you were really going to different solar systems. They were grand in scale but never seemed to cause lag issues.

They were a bit to sporadic and didn't seem to effect the game no matter how bad I did, I always seemed to win those fights.

A minor flaw is that badly done minigames, like shototing enemy ships that are attacking you in space. As you start having a larger party and harder enemies you need to issue many comands to win, so you get more involved. In the beginning, you feal like your just watching a fight take place. Gameplay: The battle system was a mix of real time and turn-based (it's real time but you can pause to give orders), which at first seemed unskilled but will grow on you. Good twists throughout the storyline and there was variation in the gameplay to keep it from getting boring. Some of the attributes don't seem to be very usefull at all (repair was rarely used and treat injury only helps your ability to use medpacks but eventually you get force heal which is just better then health packs). It lasted me about 45 hours the first time through and it's worth going through a second time to be good/evil. Suggestions: Please just add real combat I do not like pressing the attack button to accomplish a pre-set attack.I want to control the jedi.But everything else is awesome! The music is very calming and draws the character into the star wars universe.

Sound: Classic Star Wars! The lightsaber, blaster, ect. Graphics: Visually stunning! When the lightsabers clash sparks will fly everywhere. You can even kill certain people that were supposed to come on the ship with you, but your actions changed that. Their is a lot of replay value in that their is always something to find that you have never found before.like the galaxy droid. Gameplay: I am not a big fan of clicking tool bar buttons to fight, but nevertheless it was still great. So being able to leap out of the chair really says something!) This game is the greatest RPG ever created! And the ending made me leap out of my chair (Let me remind you this is the fourth day of straight playing, besides bathroom and food breaks, and I'm deshevled looking and weak. I have played every part of the game including all of the character's side-missions and the secret parts such as joining the assassins guild.

Overall: I own two copies of this game and have played it over 500 hours.